Spring Break!

Hello lovelies !! Now I know I haven’t written a post in a little while I apologize about that but anyways I just wanted to know how everyone’s spring break has been going? Mine has been alright I haven’t gone to the beach like everyone else lol but I’ve been to the pool ahahah and I saw the premiere of Divergent it was soo good I don’t think anyone understands my obsession with this story and I really recommend that all of you go grab that book and read it because it’s just that good like seriously go read!!! It’s about a dystopian society and the main character is Tris Prior and through tout the story she goes through a crazy story and meets Four who is played by Theo James in the movie (so beautiful!) lol but yeah just check out. Anyways other than that I’ve been just hanging out at home and going to work and reading I’m on the second book of the series! Oh I have a very important question? I’ve been applying at other places to work for the longest time now and I know this time isn’t the best because it’s pretty dead but I know towards the summer there will be more job opportunities and I just really want a retail job, I really wanted to work at Barnes and nobles and still do and I pray maybe they will give me a chance when summer approaches unless they think I’m crazy already because I’ve already do applied so many times but I’m just being really persistent but without being pushy, I just really want a job there compared to where I am, fast food gets tiring and the quiet surrounding of a bookstore just sounds so much better than a load mall food court :/ anyways any advice would be nice and let me know how you guys are seriously leave me comments and pictures COMMUNICATE WITH ME ! Lol just had to emphasize that, nobody leaves me any comments 🙂 we’ll bah bye for now:)

4 thoughts on “Spring Break!

  1. mariaidk

    I love Divergent so much, I live in the UK so it hasn’t come out here yet! But I’m definitely going to watch it, it’s an amazing read, and I agree Theo James is gorgeous eek! I’m reading Insurgent too, it’s so good so far!

    1. francisneira Post author

      Oh that’s so awesome to hear your going to love the movie!!! And really?! What chapter are you on? And you live in the UK?! I actually really want to go to London so bad I’ve considered living there if I like it enough 🙂

      1. mariaidk

        I know the trailer is perfect! Urm, like chapter 11, I started it like 2 days ago though! Yes I do, do you live in the US? London’s alright I guess, it’s too busy for me to be honest! But if you like it, then why not? Oooh, this is so cool! I haven’t really talked to anyone because of this blog, so you’re the first person, yay! 🙂

  2. francisneira Post author

    Yeah I was super excited when I saw the trailer it’s a definite must see and read !!! And yes I live in the US I’ve always wanted to see london I hope next summer I can go for my graduation 😉 the city looks beautiful and it’s so nice talking to you as we’ll. I got excited when you commented nobody talks to me lol it’s cool though I like the whole blog thing and I’m really trying to get my YouTube channel going I only have one video ahaha


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